The 25 best anime movies
Studio Ghibli

The 25 best anime movies

With animation, anything is possible. There are no limits to what you can put on screen, only the limits of the imagination. The director can put whatever they dream on screen, using wondrous visuals and wonderful stories to wrap the viewer up in a spell of discovery. This goes for Japanese animation, which has been more inventive with the medium than in other countries in recent years. In the past few decades, they have been taking the genre to new heights--to new worlds our list is here to explore. 

1 of 25

Spirited Away (2002)

Spirited Away (2002)
Studio Ghibli

This movie comes from director Hayao Miyazaki of the legendary Studio Ghibli — from which will we'll see plenty more from — who is known for making animated films with a magical twist. Spirited Away sees a girl lost in a realm of ghosts, monsters, and castles, where she tries to find her way back to Earth. It's a world viewers can get lost in, too, thanks to the director's ability to take audiences to other realms. 

2 of 25

Akira (1988)

Akira (1988)

There may not be a more influential science-fiction film out there. Okay, so maybe Star Wars and Blade Runner. But still, the impact of Akira reached theaters and sent shockwaves through the industry and ripples through the minds of countless directors. Its story of a racer who tries to save Tokyo is one that leaves a mark. 

3 of 25

Paprika (2006)

Paprika (2006)
Sony Pictures

What the heck am I watching? It's a question you will ask yourself throughout Paprika, a movie that plays like Inception by way of an acid trip. It's about a device that can access other people's dreams, making for a fever dream you don't want to wake up from.

4 of 25

Perfect Blue (1997)

Perfect Blue (1997)
Rex Entertainment

Imagine if David Lynch directed an anime movie. A movie that lies at the intersection of Mulholland Drive and Sunset Boulevard, Perfect Blue takes us into the fragmented mind of an actress. We won't spoil the plot--other than to say that this animated movie is not for kids. 

5 of 25

Princess Mononoke (1997)

Princess Mononoke (1997)
Studio Ghibli

Most animated movies feature a princess or a hero on a quest. Miyazaki turns all those conventions on their head, offering a tale of a princess who goes to war with the humans who are ruining her forest. Don't go in expecting any songs about prince charming. This princess gets her hands dirty in one visceral scene after the next. 

For more of our Studio Ghibli content, check this piece out as well.

6 of 25

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (1984)

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (1984)
Studio Ghibli

Disney is great and all, but kudos to Miyazaki for giving us a princess we can actually root for. Nausicaa is one of my favorite characters, someone who stands up for those in need, protects the forest and kicks butt in every scene. In this majestic blend of science-fiction and fantasy, Nausicaa is the hero we have all been waiting for. 

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Ghost in the Shell (1995)

Ghost in the Shell (1995)

Nudity, violence, destruction. Ghost in the Shell took the animated genre out of its shell and put it in a new body. In this dystopian future, we see a world where humans have added robotic features to their bodies, like a new version of plastic surgery. It's been called the basis for The Matrix and the first anime to become a hit in America, as well as a bonafide classic. 

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The Wind Rises (2013)

The Wind Rises (2013)
Studio Ghibli

Miyazaki's last film saw a pilot make planes for the war when he wanted to make planes for himself. When the action settles down, the movie takes on a lyrical quality--a drama that unfolds as gently as a cloud and speaks as softly as a breeze. 

9 of 25

Your Name (2016)

Your Name (2016)

This movie describes the connection between a girl who lives in a rural town and a boy who lives in Tokyo, both of whom have never met but who feel very close to each other. That's because they are swapping bodies, a twist that makes them more than just another pair of star-crossed lovers. They are two people who know each other inside and out, and their journey to find each other will leave you in a puddle of tears. 

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Belle (2021)

Belle (2021)

Beauty and the Beast...but with computers! This movie takes a story we've seen a thousand times and gives it a modern spin. 

11 of 25

In this Corner of the World (2016)

In this Corner of the World (2016)
Tokyo Theaters

Many of the movies on our list deal with Hiroshima, but few as directly as this one. As our heroine goes through life before the bomb, you can't help but think about all the lives ruined by the explosion. It's the perfect movie to pair with Oppenheimer if you want to feel utterly overwhelmed with despair for a few hours.  

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The Tale of Princess Kaguya (2013)

The Tale of Princess Kaguya (2013)
Studio Ghibli

One of Studio Ghibli's lesser known works, Princess Kaguya, sees director Isao Takahata enter our list with a splash. His tale of a princess born from bamboo and ages five years in a day is like Old--except it's actually good. It's not a spoiler to say that Kaguya gets old fast, but the same can't be said for this movie. 

13 of 25

Only Yesterday (1991)

Only Yesterday (1991)
Studio Ghibli

More Takhata! This one is about a woman who visits the countryside, where she remembers all the things that happened to her as a child. There are no monsters or battles. No robots or princesses. This is just a tale of one person's life told through the lens of a masterpiece. 

14 of 25

The Red Turtle (2016)

The Red Turtle (2016)
Studio Ghibli

It's Cast Away but with a red turtle instead of a white volleyball. Plus, some of the most dazzling images to ever grace the screen. 

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Wolf Children (2012)

Wolf Children (2012)
Sure, the wolves are scary looking, they have fangs and pointy ears. But they are really cute as well, thanks to Mamoru Hosada's animation style and a story that helps these characters stay ahead of the pack. 
16 of 25

Porco Rosso (1992)

Porco Rosso (1992)
Studio Ghibli

You gotta hand it to the Japanese, they don't make the same thing twice. We've seen a thousand movies about one-man fighter pilots, but how many times have we seen movies about one-pig fighter pilots? The answer is once. Leave it to Miyazaki to make a movie about a pig who flies a plane, saves the day and fights against Fascism, and makes it with the kind of poetic grandeur that defines the best kind of art. 

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Ponyo (2008)

Ponyo (2008)
Studio Ghibli

Miyazaki has a hand in more movies on this list than he doesn't. Whether it be through his direction or his studio, the man has made more masterpieces than almost any other director. Ponyo is another one of those masterpieces, a movie about a fish who washes up on land and becomes a girl. 

18 of 25

Memories (1995)

Memories (1995)

Memories is made up of three short films, each of which is more epic than the last. The stories are worth discovering on your own, so we won't spoil them here. Just know that there are some jaw-dropping moments along the way. 

19 of 25

Grave of the Fireflies (1988)

Grave of the Fireflies (1988)
Studio Ghibli

I spent the last 30 minutes of this movie in tears, so make sure you are up for a downer before pressing play. Grave of the Fireflies is a depiction of war that sticks with you long after the credits role, as does any great war movie. It's hard to watch these two brothers scour the village for food, but looking away is even harder. 

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Inu-Oh (2021)

Inu-Oh (2021)
Asmik Ace

A musical? A period piece? A 45-minute finale set to rock music? Inu-Oh is one of those movies that dances to the beat of its own drum.

21 of 25

Weathering With You (2019)

Weathering With You (2019)

Even Al Roker couldn't predict the forecast of this one. As a girl's emotions reflect the weather, her love interest tries to turn her powers into a business, which allows her to give people a sunny day when they need it most. It's a movie that offers a shower of good vibes and a thunderstorm of vibrant emotions. 

22 of 25

Howl's Moving Castle (2004)

Howl's Moving Castle (2004)
Studio Ghibli

Yes, I know more Miyazaki. It's kind of hard to leave off any of his movies when they are this good. When a girl turns into a witch, it's up to a wizard to save her from death and possibly even save the world. It's a bit darker than normal for Miyazaki, but no less magical. 

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Kiki's Delivery Service (1989)

Kiki's Delivery Service (1989)
Studio Ghibli

Yes, I know: even more Miyazaki. It's not like we were going to leave off Kiki's Delivery Service. Its story of a girl leaving home to become a witch is just too cute to ignore.

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Mirai (2018)

Mirai (2018)

Speaking of too cute to ignore, this movie about a boy who meets his parents from the past and his sister from the future in a warm embrace. It reminds you that everything is going to be alright. 

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My Neighbor Totoro (1988)

My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
Studio Ghibli

Best animated movie...ever. My Neighbor Totoro is what animation is all about. It's about discovery, imagination, fantasy, reality and all the wonderful things in between. Hayao Miyazaki's story of sisters moving to the countryside is one I will never forget, thanks to the moving story, the miraculous creatures and the unique Miyazaki touch. 

Asher Luberto is a film critic and entertainment writer for L.A. Weekly and The Village Voice. His writing has appeared in NBC, FOX, MSN, Yahoo, Purewow, The Playlist, The Wrap and Los Angeles Review of Books.

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